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Memoirs on the Ante Gabrića



“It is the greatest service to mankind, when we educate the children and bring them out from darkness to light of education”

Our school was inaugurated by Sri Debaprasad Jana (I.A.S.) Hon Director of Sundarbans Development Board and Sri Subhas Naskar, Hon. Minister of Irrigation, Govt. of West Bengal in presence of other dignitaries and local community on “World Environment Day” 5th June 2005.

This school has been dedicated to the memory of a pioneer Jesuit Priest FR ANTE GABRIC (right) from Croatia who dedicated his life for the welfare of common people in this area from 1945 till his death 20th October 1988 in South of Bengal, India. At the end of his life he took eternal shelter in peace at his mission station called Maria Palli Parish close to our school. Any words would fall short to describe his tireless effort in reaching some of the interior villages when there was no road or communication or any means of transport facility. I have seen many wonders in his life and I would say he is a legend saint. Therefore it has inspired me to dedicate this school after his name and we are trying to follow in his footsteps. We praise Almighty God that, we are experiencing his presence, inspiration and guidance in our day to day lives.

Modern civilization is flourishing; facilities are available in exchange for sackfuls of currency within towns and cities but about 70% children are growing up, underprivileged, in rural villages without a basic purpose in life! Is it not our duty to serve those who are equally loved by our Loving God It was started as English medium up to primary level but because this didn’t fit well in the local situation we have changed to Bengali medium with English as 2nd language, which has the same importance as Bengali for the 1st Language. Now the school has up to Class VI and we are in a process of upgrading to high school level. It is indeed a very challenging responsibility! But we are optimistic in the way God is guiding us. We just need support and co-operation from the educated community for its upgrading.

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