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Novi generalni tajnik AM

Dobio sam obavijest od P. Claudi-a Barriga i u ime AM odgovorio… :

 Dear friends

            Next May I will be completing seven years in my mission as Director General Delegate of the Apostleship of Prayer and the Eucharistic Youth Movement.  A normal period for a Jesuit to remain on a mission, especially here in our Curia, is six years. 

So, I have important news for you: Father General has already appointed my successor.  It is F. Frédéric Fornos, sj, 45, current AP National Secretary in France and European Coordinator.  We still don’t know when he will arrive and when we will do the handover, but that should happen somewhere in the middle of 2014.  Let us pray for him and his new mission.

( – see his picture attached)

God bless, Claudio Barriga D., sj

Dragi prijatelji

            Idućeg svibnja navršit ću sedam godina svoga poslanja kao generalni direktor Apostolata molitve i Euharistijskog pokreta mladih. Uobičajeno razdoblje ostanka na poslanju za isusovca, posebno ovdje u našoj kuriji, je šest godina.

Stoga, imam za vas važnu obavijest: Otac general je već imenovao mog nasljednika. To je pater Frederic Fornos, SJ, 45 godina, trenutno nacionalni tajnik AM u Francuskoj i europski koordinator. Još uvijek ne znamo kada će stići i kada ćemo obaviti primopredaju, ali to bi se trebalo dogoditi sredinom 2014. godine. Molimo se za njega i njegovo novo poslanje.

( – pogledajte njegovu sliku u prilogu)


Božji blagoslov, Claudio

14. 01. 2014

         Poštovani P. Claudio, eto nas ponovno u novoj godini! Ova godina je za nas isusovce značajna i po našoj internoj proslavi jubilarne 200-te obljetnice od ponovne uspostave naše Družbe. Nadam se da ćemo, prema uputama našeg vrhovnog poglavara…, znati iskoristiti taj jubilej za našu unutarnju obnovu da bi bili još raspoloživiji za Gospodina i za ljudske potrebe u današnjem vremenu.Također, ove godine brigu o AP na internacionalnoj razini preuzima F. Frédéric Fornos. Nadam se da će on nastaviti s istim žarom u traženju novih puteva za AP…?!? Ovom prigodom od srca Vam zahvaljujem na svemu što ste učinili za AP na lokalnoj i međunarodnoj razini. Neka dobri Bog blagoslovi vaša buduća nastojanja i rad u duhu naše Družbe.

Srdačno Vas pozdravljam (uz molbu, da mi pošaljete – ako su već potvrđene – Papine nakane, na engleskom jeziku, za 2015.god.).

Vaš u Kristu, F. Zvonko Vlah, S.I. (Hrvatska)


            Dear F. Claudio, here we are again in the New Year! This year is important for us Jesuits and our internal jubilee celebration of 200 anniversary of the reestablishment of our congregation. I hope that we, as directed by our Supreme Head … know how to use this anniversary to our inner renewal that we would be more available for the Lord and for human needs in today’s time. Also, F. Frédéric Fornos takes over the care of AP at international level this year. I hope that he will continue with the same zeal in seeking new paths for AP …?!? On this occasion I thank you from heart for everything you have done for the AP on the local and international level. May the good Lord bless your future efforts and work in the spirit of our congregation.
I cordially greet you (with a request to send me – if they have already been confirmed – Pope’s intentions, in English, for the year 2015).
Yours in Christ, F. Zvonko Vlah, S. I. (Croatia)


Poštovani P. Frédéric,

obaviješteni da ćete doskora preuzeti službu voditelja AP, na međunarodnoj razini, želim Vam u ime AP iz Hrvatske najprije čestitati na novoj službi, a potom poželjeti Božji blagoslov i vodstvo Duha Svetoga u vašem nastojanju  za ovaj Družbin apostolat koji je proširen po cijelome svijetu. Ujedno se radujem našoj suradnji u bliskoj budućnosti, naravno prema mogućnostima i prilikama današnjeg vrdmena. U svemu tome neka nas Gospodin  obdari u duhu Ignacijanske duhovnosti i danas tako potrebnim MAGISOM!

Srdačno Vas pozdravljam u ime cijele naše regije u kojoj ima oko 15 tisuća članova AP. Vaš u Kristu, nacionalni tajnik AP. F. Zvonko Vlah, SI


            Dear F. Frédéric,
informed that you will shortly take over the service of the Head of the AP, at the international level, I want you, in the name of the AP from Croatia, first to congratulate the new service, and then ask for God’s blessing and guidance of the Holy Spirit in your endeavor for the apostolate of the Society, which has been expanded throughout the world. Also I’m looking forward to our cooperation in the near future, of course, according to the possibilities and opportunities of today’s time. In all this, let the Lord fill us in the spirit of Ignatian spirituality even today with so needed MAGIS!
I cordially greet you on behalf of our entire region in which there are about 15,000 members of the AP. Yours in Christ, the national secretary of the AP. F.   Zvonko Vlah, SI


Thank you a lot dear Zvonko !

         Thank you for this words and your cooperation in the near future. We have a lot of work with the recreation of Apostleship of Prayer. Yes, we need to be open to the Spirit of God. He knows the way.  F. Frédéric Fornos sj


Dragi Zvonko puno ti hvala!

Hvala ti na riječima i bliskoj suradnji. Imamo puno posla s obnovom Apostolata molitve. Da, trebamo biti otvoreni Duhu Božjem. On zna put.

P. Frédéric Fornos sj  

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